Adult Counselling

A woman being counselled by a Person Centred Counsellor

Person Centred adult counselling is from 18 years old and above. There are times in life when we may struggle to manage anxiety, depression, grief, relationships, ability to make decisions and so on and that can cause pain, anger, conflict, sadness, over-analysing and negative thinking which can impact our daily lives. If you are ready and motivated to try to understand yourself more and make positive life changes then engaging in counselling could help you.

Person centred counselling was developed in the 1940’s by the psychologist Carl Rogers. It is not led by a mental health expert and is a non-directive therapy which holds the belief that ‘the client knows best’. It is led by your issues, feelings, any difficulties and your thoughts, experiences and beliefs are valued in the sessions. All explored at your own comfortable pace, in an open ended way. I would create a safe, confidential setting to help build a trusting therapeutic relationship by offering the core conditions of; unconditional positive regard, empathy and genuineness. Being non-judgemental and listening attentively is to convey that you are valued regardless of any mistakes or poor decision making skills. I would use my empathy to help fully understand and appreciate your unique perspective. By being honest and open and not being seen as the ‘expert’ you may experience a realistic view of being vulnerable in a relationship and use this model in your own life.

Person centred counselling can help with various types of mental distress including:

  • Anxiety, Depression,
  • Mood disorders,
  • Relationship Issues, Divorce,
  • Bereavement, Losses, Change,
  • Psychosis, PTSD

This unique therapeutic relationship can be challenging and healing and is a process to help clients gain self-awareness, by having a safe environment to explore and understand their authentic selves and others. There is no goal setting but a client may present their personal needs and wants from the counselling which could be to; minimize any distress, increase self-understanding and self- esteem to gain an improved self concept and become more self-directive. If continued over a period of time, the client may gain healthier communication skills, let go of past hurts and mistakes and better manage any issues that were previously difficult for them and become empowered to fulfil their own potential.